How to Avoid Mass Pay File Issues

The article will highlight the most common issues Veem experiences when processing Mass Files and how to avoid them :

  1. Outdated template: Please click here for an article on how to access the updated Mass Pay template.
  2. County Codes: Veem uses the 2-letter ISO Alpha-2 country code (eg. PH, US, CA, GB), any other format will cause the file to fail in processing. Click here for a list of countries with country codes.
  3. Invoice reference: This column in the file can only have numbers. Letters should not be included. 
  4. Spaces: Space should not be included before or after any data in any cell. Spaces between words are acceptable.
  5. Payments with no value ( $0 payments): Please include all the information for the payment, including the amount which cannot be lower than the minimum amount. It's important to include the name, email, and amount in the mass pay file, along with the other details required. 
  6. Minimum amount: For domestic payments, the minimum amount is $10 USD. For international payments, the minimum amount is $50 USD. Except for payments to the Philippines where the minimum amount is $10 USD.
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