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  2. Payment Tracker Statuses

Pending your Information

If you are seeing this message it's because some or all of the information on your account, that we need to be able to process your payment, is missing. Please take a look at your account and make sure that the following information is added and up to date... 

  • Business or Individual Information

This can be found in your account by going to Settings> Account> then clicking on the edit button next to either Business or Individual Information, depending on your account type. Then make sure that all required fields in this section are filled out (Website is optional). 

Required Information based on the account type:

- Business name (if the account is business)

- Account/bussines Type

- Phone number

- Physical or business address

- First name and last name (middle name if applicable)

- Industry and sub-industry

- Tax ID, EIN, CNPJ for businesses

- Tax ID for individual is required in the following countries: Brazil, Pakistan, South Korea, Hundoras, Colombia, Guatemala, Ukrain, Mauritius. 

Settings - Customer application - Veem 2024-01-26 09-08-58

Funding Method

You'll also want to make sure that you have an available way for us to credit your payment. You can check that you've added a funding method in Settings> Get Paid or Send Payment (if sending payments). If you still need to add a funding method you can do so by following one of these steps

How to Add Bank Information or How to Set Up Instant Deposit 

Setting the default getting paid method


Once all information has been added and received by Veem, you should see the status of your payment change within 1 business day.